Welcome to the
Portfolio Links and
Files Collection!
Portfolio Links and
Files Collection!
You have been redirected here or linked here from a job application. Thank you for visiting! You will find in the following sections links to downloadable files, samples, and links to my published works. Hope you like them! To know more about me and my key knowledge areas, see About.
NOTE: This page is *mostly* hidden as I only share this link to my job application entries. In the case you do navigate away from this page, just remember to go back to sei.moe/collection and you'll be back! :)
On this page:
Work Samples
Public Links
Training & Course Certificates
Public Links
Training & Course Certificates
Work Samples
You can download a sample of my works encompassing technical writing, UX research, and content blogging/marketing.
Download File: Writing Sampler and Portfolio
Download File: UX Research and UX Writing Portfolio
Download File: Developer Documentation Sample
(it is marked as Internal Use but this is shared publicly to partner developers upon request).
Public Links
The following contains links to some of my publicly-published works or author profiles:
https://asia.godaddy.com/blog/author/aneri/ - GoDaddy Blog Author Profile. I write about web hosting, getting started with your portfolio, microfinancing, business, and startups.
https://www.sei.moe - This personal site
https://www.sg-r.net - My Consulting Site
https://www.linkedin.com/in/avneri/ - My LinkedIn Profile
https://github.com/alexneri/ - My Github Profile
https://www.behance.net/alexneri - My Behance Profile. Contains some of the designs I made, and some photography shots I did in covering an event.
https://dribbble.com/Crosse_ - Some other designs. Here I posted me and my wife's emblem that I designed that we used in our wedding.
https://www.sakuraindex.jp - This is a passion project where I create themes, write about, and review japanimation and games.
https://blog.sei.moe/ - My personal/professional blog. Here I write about tech, design, and writing shenanigans.
https://www.sei.moe - This personal site
https://www.sg-r.net - My Consulting Site
https://www.linkedin.com/in/avneri/ - My LinkedIn Profile
https://github.com/alexneri/ - My Github Profile
https://www.behance.net/alexneri - My Behance Profile. Contains some of the designs I made, and some photography shots I did in covering an event.
https://dribbble.com/Crosse_ - Some other designs. Here I posted me and my wife's emblem that I designed that we used in our wedding.
https://www.sakuraindex.jp - This is a passion project where I create themes, write about, and review japanimation and games.
https://blog.sei.moe/ - My personal/professional blog. Here I write about tech, design, and writing shenanigans.
Training & Course Certificates
The following are my training and certificates of completion for courses.

Foundations of Project Management - Coursera & Google
Completed August 19, 2021